PetSafe Travel SmartKey Bypass for Service

April 28th, 2022 by


It is recommended that the PetSafe Travel SmartKey Starter® be bypassed when performing any software updates or mechanical service.

It is also recommended that the SmartKey Starter® be bypassed as a standard practice for troubleshooting any issues with the vehicle.

To make bypassing the system easier, we have developed a set of jumpers that, when used, will completely bypass the PetSafe Travel. Rather than disconnecting the T-harness, the modules can be unplugged and replaced with “jumpers.” It is possible to mount the modules in a position where the jumpers can be installed to bypass the system in as little as 2 minutes. This guide demonstrates how to use the jumpers to bypass the system

If you would like to be sent jumpers for bypassing a system, please email [email protected] with your software version and address and a set of jumpers will be sent to you.

If you do not have jumpers and need to bypass the system, please use this guide to bypass the system at the T-harnessing please contact your salesperson and we can help you with that issue.


If you are servicing the vehicle and have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 312-421-1114 and let us know you are working on a Sprinter with the SmartKey Starter system.

Step 1: Locate SmartKey Starter modules on the driver side under the dash area

The SKSNG907 or SKSNG907RV is connected using T-harnessing in the driver side under dash area
(Normally located just over the trim between the pedals and driverside wall)
  • The SKSNG907 or SKSNG907RV is connected using T-harnessing on the driver side under the dash area.
  • The system has 2 modules. One is labeled ‘SmartKey Starter’ and the other is labeled ‘SKSPCM’.
  • The main plug at the module labeled ‘SmartKey Starter’ is a 20 pin connector
  • The main plug at the module labeled ‘SKSPCM’ is either a 20 pin or 16 pins connector
  • Un-plug the SmartKey Starter and SKSPCM modules from the T-harnessing
  • Connect jumpers to the main T-harnessing plug
  • If the SKSPCM module has a 16-pin plug, you will need a jumper with a 20-pin and 16-pin connector. Connect the SmartKey Starter module to the 20 pin jumper and the SKSPCM module to the 16 pin jumper


  • If both modules have 20-pin plugs, it is important that the T-harness plugs are connected to their correct module
  • One of the 20 pin connectors on the T-harness will have either a green sticker or another marking. This connector must be connected to the module labeled ‘SKSPCM’
  • If the SKSPCM module has a 16 pin plug, it will only connect to the 16 pin T-harness plug